- Several Native American tribes used it to support immune system function and for relaxing muscle spasms.
- Our ancestors used this plant similar to other indigenous groups and considered to be an overall strengthening tonic.
- Relieves irritability and sleeplessness
- Studies show catnip oil to be 10 times more effective than “DEET” that active ingredient in most mosquito repellants. “natures first bug repellant”
- used with infant and children because of its mild nature
- *Breathing in the smoke proved vital for people with Asthma (vaporize breathing)
- Tea: Hypnotic effect/relaxes muscles
- Smoke: Mild euphoria accompanied by some giddiness
- Dream enhancer mixed with Damiana
- 2 hour high/no come down side effects
- Increase sleep duration
- Treatment of worms
- Recently doctors have been successful with Catnip in treatment of ADHD
- Tea is more potent
- Smoking substitute!
$7.00 $6.30
The best time to drink this tea is after a long day of work!
SKU: 0011
Category: Individual Herbs